PittServes strives to empower members of the Pitt community to be engaged citizens on campus, off-campus, and globally. PittServes bridges the academic and civic missions of the University by: developing and modeling genuine partnerships with local communities and community organizations with a specific emphasis on reciprocity, transparency, and sustainability; providing

Pittsburgh Community Capital
Pittsburgh Community Capital (PCC) is a Christian, 501(c)(3) organization that seeks to promote human flourishing through the elimination of poverty, healing human relationships, and restoring broken systems via asset-based and participatory approaches. These approaches may include supporting urban agriculture, financial literacy training, job-skills, entrepreneurship, and neighborhood transformation (NT) community-building activities.

Neighborhood Allies
Neighborhood Allies is a unique community development partner. We are part funder, lender, connector and consultant. We believe that Pittsburgh’s future is built upon strong neighborhoods. We are a forward-thinking, solutions-oriented community developer that brings hope, fresh ideas, expertise, and resources to distressed and transitional neighborhoods. We accomplish this work

Tree Pittsburgh
Tree Pittsburgh’s mission is to protect and restore Pittsburgh’s urban forest through community tree planting and care, education, and advocacy. Our vision is to be a leader in creating a healthy urban forest by inspiring and engaging citizens to maintain, plant and protect trees. Taking care of our trees will

Grounded Strategies
Grounded Strategies cultivates the unrealized potential of people and places to improve the economic, social, and environmental health of our communities. We work county wide addressing land use issues using vacant land as a platform for to engage communities and distribute capacity so they can take ownership of the solutions.