The Hazelwood Urban Agriculture Team supports three community gardens in the Greater Hazelwood neighborhood: Everybody’s Garden, shown here on the Lots2Love site; the former YMCA garden, now maintained as a Community Garden with bed allotments available to neighborhood residents; and the Glen Hazel Community Garden. Visit our web page for

Lawrenceville Tree Tenders
The Lawrenceville Tree Tenders is an all-volunteer group of residents that work to plant and maintain Lawrenceville’s urban forest. We are currently working to implement ReLeaf Lawrenceville, a neighborhood-level urban forest master plan to increase canopy coverage and resident engagement.

Tree Pittsburgh
Tree Pittsburgh’s mission is to protect and restore Pittsburgh’s urban forest through community tree planting and care, education, and advocacy. Our vision is to be a leader in creating a healthy urban forest by inspiring and engaging citizens to maintain, plant and protect trees. Taking care of our trees will