The Hazelwood Urban Agriculture Team supports three community gardens in the Greater Hazelwood neighborhood: Everybody’s Garden, shown here on the Lots2Love site; the former YMCA garden, now maintained as a Community Garden with bed allotments available to neighborhood residents; and the Glen Hazel Community Garden. Visit our web page for

University of Pittsburgh: Pittserves
PittServes strives to empower members of the Pitt community to be engaged citizens on campus, off-campus, and globally. PittServes bridges the academic and civic missions of the University by: developing and modeling genuine partnerships with local communities and community organizations with a specific emphasis on reciprocity, transparency, and sustainability; providing

Tree Pittsburgh
Tree Pittsburgh’s mission is to protect and restore Pittsburgh’s urban forest through community tree planting and care, education, and advocacy. Our vision is to be a leader in creating a healthy urban forest by inspiring and engaging citizens to maintain, plant and protect trees. Taking care of our trees will