Pittsburgh is a city of neighborhoods.
There are 90 of them, after all. Each one has its own charms, and problems, and groups of people working to solve them. But, like individuals, these neighborhoods often focus on their own challenges, and sometimes forget that other neighborhoods are working on very similar problems. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. These community leaders work hard to make their neighborhoods better one step, or one lot, at a time. But such individuals can also play the role of neighborhood representative, sharing their challenges and successes with other communities in the same position, benefitting not just their own, but two or more neighborhoods!
Last week the Hazelwood Urban Ag Group and other interested residents met with residents from the Larimer Green Team to learn about energy efficiency, explore Lots to Love, and talk about their experiences – an opportunity to share challenges and successes and learn from what the other group has accomplished.
We knew that Larimer and Hazelwood were facing similar challenges: each has lots and lots of vacant land, with big development moving in (for Larimer, a Choice Neighborhood grant to the tune of $30 million; in Hazelwood, groundbreaking at the Almono site and concurrent community development). But they also both have dedicated teams of fantastic individuals working to improve their communities lot by lot. And so we thought, let’s bring them together to show them Lots to Love.
Lots to Love is a guide for community organizations and residents who are interested in transforming vacant lots into well-loved spaces. It was built precisely with groups like these in mind.
So I picked up Larimer Green Team members to commandeer (with their blessing) the Hazelwood Urban Ag meeting. We spoke about how they all might save on energy at home by following some simple tips and using online tools to track energy usage, and then dove into a Lots to Love training session, registering each group and their projects on the site. Throughout the meeting, we learned about projects that each group is working on, from the planters that Elaine Price of Floriated Interpretations hopes to install in Hazelwood, to the revamping of the Larimer Community Green. These projects and more are now registered on Lots to Love, so feel free to explore!